Blog del grupo de investigación GRITS. Redes de próxima generación para el Internet del futuro, Fog Computing e Internet de las cosas para implementar nuestros diseños personalizados en nubes híbridas ciberseguras, en sistemas de almacenamiento a gran escala y comunicaciones de larga distancia.

21 Abril 2012 | Publicado por Editorial Team GRITS

Load Balancing Solutions

In a Data Center there is a lot of traffic to be commuted in its network that normally has redundant links so to avoid bottlenecks and some other problems in the network you have to implement the load balancing. To do that there are a lot of companies that offer solutions to this problem but F5 Networks is a leader. F5 Networks Global Load Balancing Solutions "Global load balancing adds flexibility, adaptability, and security to the network, so users always have access to applications and data." What F5 Networks offers? "F5's BIG-IP Global Traffic Manager (GTM) is a device that provides high availability, maximum performance, centralized management, and DNS firewall and security services for applications running across multiple and globally dispersed data centers." "BIG-IP GTM distributes end-user application requests according to business policies and data center and network conditions to ensure the highest possible availability."

Some of the benefits of using the Global Load Balancing solutions of F5 Networks are:

  • Flexible deployment and lower management costs with higher availability for distributed applications.
  • Geographic load balancing.
  • Dramatically improved application performance.
  • Compliance with security regulations and protected query responses.
  • Improved business continuity and scalable DNS.

F5 networks offers this solutions to that problem but there are other useful alternatives that they are going to explain in the following posts. Source:


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