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18 April 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle-URL collaborates in the first edition of the Digital Enterprise Show

La Salle Campus Barcelona - URL will collaborate in the first edition of the Digital Enterprise Show and Masterminds Congress held from May 24th to 26th in Madrid Ifema. This great technology fair drives business leaders to the digital transformation of their companies in order to join the new digital economy. The most innovative SMEs in the technology sector, consulting or media agencies among others, will present their knowledge so that attendees can acquire the necessary skills and integrate them into their companies. The aim of the conference is for companies to gain competitiveness through innovation and technology in the digital age. The DES Masterminds Congress intends to serve as inspiration for companies to incorporate last minute advances that technological SMEs place at their disposal. At the congress, global issues such as Strategy, Big Data & Analytics and communications networks will be dealt with. Other industries such as pharmaceuticals, health and banking will also be present at the fair. Over 240 international speakers of the sector will attend the event. Within the Masterminds Congress, La Salle Technova Barcelona organizes one of the activities held at the congress: the Open Innovation Marketplace . This is a show in which digital start-ups from sectors such as health, pharmacy, finance and banking, tourism, food industry, transport and logistics will explain how they are digitalizing traditional industries in an elevator pitch format to companies and investors. La Salle-URL has the opportunity to be present in the digital transformation leader event in the coming years, in line with the proposals offered in its Masters and Postgraduate Studies.


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