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15 June 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Graduation Ceremony of Degrees, Masters and Postgraduates of Architecture Promotion 2014-2015

Thursday June 9 was held at La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL the graduation ceremony of Architecture, where diplomas of Architecture and Technical Architecture, Degree in Building Sciences and Technology and Degree in Architecture; Masters in Integral Management of Construction, Integrated Architectural Project, in Sustainable Architecture and Energy Efficiency and Postgraduates in Energy Efficiency, in Environmental Architecture and Sustainable Urbanism, and  in Rehabilitation, Diagnosis and Intervention Techniques were delivered.

The event, chaired by Josep M. Santos, General Director of the Campus La Salle URL, was also attended by the architect Josep Llinás Carmona, patron for this year's graduates. The presidential table was formed by Enric Peña, Coordinator of Building Engineering of La Salle-URL; Dr. Carlo Gallucci, Vice Chancellor of International and Student Relations of the URL; and Dr. Robert Terradas, Director of Architecture at La Salle.

Josep M. Forteza Clavé, member of the Governing Board of the College of Building Supervisors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Barcelona (CAATEEB), and the Secretary of the Demarcation of Barcelona College of Architects of Catalunya (COAC), Pere Castelltort, made the awards to students with the best academic records of the promotion on behalf of the respective professional associations.


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