La Salle-URL introduces tools to "accelerate and sustain change" in companies within the conference series La Salle Breakfast

This June "Accelerating and sustaining change" was presented, within the conference series La Salle Breakfast, about the tools with which modern businesses can manage and take appropriate decisions when leading projects.
One of the keys to carry out this change is the creation of value within an adaptive strategic framework. Nowadays nothing is static and for this reason you have to have an emerging mind, otherwise, your company's train can pass by.
This 72nd edition of the Breakfast was attended by the International Consultant Andre Baken, who highlighted the change in the behaviour of people to achieve new business goals or pass from physical company (Firm-Centric Thinking) to digital (Network-Centric Thinking), considering that a priori, most changes do not work and the objectives are not achieved. But why do changes not work?
Big companies like IBM or McKinsey admit that their initial business models did not bear fruit. The answers lie in the education we receive and digitization, where everything has to do with the mentality and attitude of people, plus 90% of the decisions are made unconsciously; finally, any change or novelty involves taking a risk, which can be scary and makes us protective.
To carry out business changes, speakers proposed working in different fields, as now the discipline of Change Manager, Emotional Education, Spiritual Intelligence, Teamwork and Leadership, with the aim of bringing together the interests of companies with the ones of the employees. In addition, it is necessary to assume the mistakes made earlier in order not to repeat them in the future. But in a company the thought is not the only affected. The body also suffers and must be cared for.
Presenter at the Breakfast recommended Osteopathy and the Change Manager as techniques to change the thinking. In fact, Carles Ruiz-Feltres, Managing Partner in OME Espais, gave a brief explanation about the training of the mind for change: Mindfulness. It is a discipline that works on concentration and awareness. When we work, physical sensations, thoughts with which we are more connected and emotions always appear.
However, body and mind are not always connected. But when these three factors are connected, we run the risk that the autopilot is triggered. The problem is not experiencing sensations, but not knowing how to control them. With Mindfulness practices, the results of which are scientifically proved, this control can be achieved: you gain in empathy, you begin to accept change and feedback is obtained: more attention and less labour incidents. It's no wonder that many of the Mindfulness courses taught are contracted from the companies departments of Labour Risks or Human Resources.
Javier Martin, Lipotec Group & LZ LifeSciences EMEA, explained his experience of change in this same company. He and his team spent the conventional mixed business model to reaching a clear conclusion: to manage a project different people are necessary and not, as usual, the figure of a single leader. Martin and employees spent two days in the mountains with a systematic team to break down barriers between workers, create and enhance trust and manage the stress of upcoming change. They developed motor activities, such as gestures, and worked the emotions and feelings with theatre exercises. The results were evident in 2015 compared to 2014.
Another example to promote change was offered by the theatre company Freq to Freq, who showed attendees how, through interpretation, one can express his own difficulties and thus detect the modifications to be applied in business. Finally, all participants launched the same message: "The key is not the type of company, but the people you want to effect change". If organizations have the attitude and desire to pull ahead, anything is possible. A Change Management course for Project Managers is taught at La Salle: From Project Manager to Change Manager, where change management models are enhanced to become a leader and understand the keys to be a good change manager partner.
Photos of the event available here