Student Ángel Martín wins the 1st edition of La Salle-URL Multimedia & Videogames Contest

La Salle-URL's Multimedia and Videogames Contest already has a winner. It is student Ángel Martín, who has been selected by the jury chaired by Emiliano Labrador, Director of the Master in Multimedia Creation (MCM) and Game Design professor at the Degree in Multimedia Engineering of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL.
This first edition of the contest rewarded the best videogame design work. The best work realized election system was considering the following criteria: originality, game design, world design, audio design and user interface. First, the jury highlighted the high level presented by students with very innovative and creative ideas, taking into account their age and that, in some cases, they have been able to develop a first version of the videogame.
In the case of Ángel Martín, the jury took into account in its assessment the cultural and ecological value of the work presented, the script and the story are perfectly situated on the stage of action as well as the technical specifications that met all the requirements necessary for its development. Angel Martin has presented a project entitled "Solidarity", an action and adventure videogame set in an invented region of India where the protagonists have to help an NGO in the area.
Ángel Martín will receive the award of a grant of 30% for the enrolment in the Degree in Multimedia Engineering of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL for the upcoming academic year 2016-2017.