Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

22 February 2016 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Data Centers: PADO Solutions objectives and focus

Data Centers with PADO Solutions: Objectives and focus

Data Centers

Are you a tech-freak? Do you want to know more about Data Centers? How do they work? How should we design them in order to make them efficient, reliable and secure? If you answered affirmatively to any of those questions, this blog is for you!

Once or twice a week, I’ll post the details about “PADO Solution’s” journey into designing a New Generation Data Centers for a great banking company from scratch, and the most important technologies involved in it.

I personally think that focusing on only one manufacturer isn’t the best way to go, so my aim will be comparing the solutions offered by Cisco with some other enterprises, in order to help you choose the one that best suits your project. Those manufacturers will be:

In my next post I’ll describe the requirements of our New Generation Data Centers. Acknowledging the requirements is the most important phase of any project, so stay tuned for more!
