Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

23 February 2017 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

DR Tech Blog Introduction

Personal Introduction

My name is Jesús Díaz Rivero, and I am the sole member of DR Tech. This is my final year studying network engineering at La Salle University. Looking to the future, I am particularly interested in the field of IT security, but am currently exploring other lines of study (such as the one followed throughout this blog).

Blog Themes

The purpose of this blog is both to create a learning experience for the writer, as well as to provide accurate information on technological trends and innovations occurring in the world of data center development. Detailed information will be provided on a weekly basis from lectures offered by industry experts. Furthermore, this information will be applied to a real case with real brands to allow readers the opportunity to understand these topics better.

Over the next several weeks, I will develop a new-generation data center solution tailored to the needs of an average financial entity, the details of which will be outlined in a future post. Through the aforementioned on-site lectures and self-study sessions, a viable data center solution will be proposed. An additional restriction regarding brands available has been imposed on DR Tech:

Indeed, a lot of information on these manufacturers will be given as the solution is developed, often beyond the specific scope of the project.


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