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23 February 2017 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Virtualizaton vs Cloud computing

Hello again everyone!

Today, we are here to talk about the main differences between Virtualization and Cloud Computing in order to understand the possibilities they can give to CPDs.

When we talk about virtualization we refer to the act of creating virtual versions of something, such as operating systems or servers, that can share a hardware and can improve the utilization of the system resources. It permits to separate services in your machine increasing the security and provides more flexibility.

This solution allows us to increase the efficiency and performance of the equipment and reduce costs of the infrastructure.


Cloud computing consists in the possibility to offer services through internet, it’s objective is to store data in the net so you don’t have to own an infrastructure. Cloud computing benefits of the manipulation resulting of the virtualization, so they are highly related.

The main advantage that this solution provides is that you don’t have to own an infrastructure because it’s located in and other place and that reduces costs of maintenance and purchase equipment.

At this point, you should evaluate for what you need the machines and which solution is better for your business.

The picture below illustrates the main advantages of each solution:

cloud_virt_image1See you all soon!


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