20th General Assembly of TIMEPAC in Alicante, 22-24 March 2023

Leandro Madrazo and Álvaro Sicilia, members of the ARC Ingeniería y Arquitectura La Salle research group, participated in the 20th General Assembly of the TIMEPAC project, which was held at the headquarters of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Superiores Industriales de Alicante.
The TIMEPAC project, unded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme, aims to improve current building energy certification processes by adopting a holistic and dynamic approach that takes into account the building as part of the urban environment and its transformation throughout its life cycle. The project started in July 2021 and has a duration of three years. The consortium is made up of 14 organisations representing seven European countries - Germany, Austria, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain and Italy - and is coordinated by La Salle-Universitat Ramon Llull.
At this meeting, the latest work carried out by the partners in different areas related to the improvement of certification processes, in line with the latest revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), was presented and discussed: use of BIM for certification, calibration of models with operational data, generation of building renovation passports, calculation of sustainability and Smart Readiness indicators, and statistical analysis of certification databases. The first version of the TIMEPAC Academy online platform was also presented, which will be used to train professionals involved in the certification processes in the new procedures developed in the project.

The meeting ended with the presentation of the results obtained in the first 18 months of the project to the representative of the European agency CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) in charge of monitoring the project. Expectations on the final results of the project are high, and it is expected that the results of TIMEPAC will contribute to the renovation of the European building stock, in line with the objectives of the European Green Pact and the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.