International Institute on Innovation, IT Management and Entrepreneurship. Services on business models, ecosystems, digital transformation efforts.

16 April 2015 | Posted by Innova Institute

Barcelona Doctoral Consortium on Digital Innovation

La Salle – Ramon Lull University, is proud to announce its "Barcelona Doctoral Consortium on Digital Innovation" in Barcelona, Spain  between  July 2nd  and 3rd2015.

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BACKGROUND: The purpose of the Barcelona Doctoral Consortium is to advance the scientific knowledge and practical understanding about digital innovation. Our perspective on digital innovation is broad and covers a range of topics associated with information systems, technology and innovation management, as well as entrepreneurship and business model design. This intersection, in particular, is driven by remarkable advancements in digital technology and digitalization of society at large. As a result, we witness transformational changes in the design and use of information systems that need further examination. These changes are intertwined with organizational shifts in the way that technological innovation and value creation is managed by firms and within emerging business ecosystems. Furthermore, as a result of dramatically reduced entry barriers and fundamental changes in the design logics and multi-layered architecture of digital technology, we are witnessing a significant increase in entrepreneurial activities and business model (re)design efforts.

Digital innovation as an emerging stream of research embodies a transversal and embedded understanding of information systems and technologies in organizations and business models. Thus, we are looking for research contributions that are not confined within the narrow boundaries of any individual and specialized discipline or field of expertise. Furthermore, we wish to highlight that we are open to any methodological orientation, paradigm, and perspective. Besides traditional research approaches and methodologies, which are all welcomed, recently emerging approaches such as various forms of engaged scholarship, phenomenon/data-driven research, design theory development, consortium research, Blue Ocean theorizing, and others are also welcomed.

ORGANIZERS: Robert Gregory (IESE-Universidad Navarra), Evgeny Káganer (IESE – Universidad Navarra), Joan Rodón (ESADE - URL), Núria Agell (ESADE - URL), Joan Antoni Pastor (UOC), Francesc Miralles (La Salle-URL), David Riu (La Salle-URL).

INVITED FACULTY MENTORS (Subject to changes): Magnus Mähring (Stockholm School of Economics), Josep Valor (IESE – Universidad Navarra), Ola Henfridsson (WBS – University of Warwick), Roman Beck (IT University Denmark), Ann Majchrzak (USC - Marshall School of Business), Paul Fox and Chris Kennett (La Salle – Ramon Llull University).

SPONSOR: The consortium is organized with the support of the Society for the Advancement of Management Studies (SAMS).

SUBMISSION PROCEDURE GUIDELINES: - An extended abstract on the PhD dissertation or thesis working paper, and a CV of the applicant shall be sent to (word format), no later than April 30th, 2015. - The extended abstract (five-pages, double-spaced, including tables, figures and references) should include the title of the paper, the name of the PhD student and the thesis supervisor, their affiliation(s) and academic position(s), and the full address of the PhD candidate applicant. - In the e-mail subject, please specify "BARCELONA DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM – DIGITAL INNOVATION".

PARTICIPANT SELECTION CRITERIA: The organizing committee will give preference to submissions that convince in terms of a clearly defined research design as well as preliminary findings from field research and/or any type of engaged scholarship (e.g., design research, action research). The selection criteria include: the fit with the consortium topic focus (i.e., digital innovation viewed broadly as outlined above) and the scientific excellence or potential of the research.

Accepted participants will be informed by May 15th, 2015. No further comments will be provided.

CONFERENCE FEES, LODGING AND MEALS: - The organizers will offer up to 10 accommodation grants (one night) to visiting PhD students (at La Salle Campus Residence). Please mention in the application email that you would like to be considered for this grant. - There is a 250 € consortium participation fee that will be waived for the accepted participants that register and confirm participation by June 1st, 2015 (this includes registration fee, lunches, coffee breaks and conference materials).

IMPORTANT DATES: Opening Call: April 14, 2015 Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: April 30th, 2015 Confirmation of accepted abstracts: May 15th, 2015 Registration opening: May 18th, 2015 End of registration: June 8th, 2015 Final program: June 15th, 2015 PhD Consortium sessions: July 2-3rd, 2015

FURTHER INFORMATION: For specific inquires please contact us in the following adress:  

The Organizing Committee looks forward to welcoming you to the Barcelona Doctoral Consortium on Digital Innovation

