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16 Julio 2010 | Publicado por Team Technova

Bing-Related Statistics Continue To Rise

Bing is - at least at this early point in its existence - starting to look somewhat like the Energizer Bunny.  New stats regarding both click shares and brand recognition are in, and they seem to just keep going and going (up)

Let's start with Efficient Frontier's analysis.  As stated in a post on the company's blog, "Bing expanded its share of paid clicks for the two weeks post launch.  Bing's share of paid clicks is up 13% for the second week post launch as compared to pre-launch.  And, it represents an incremental 5% lift over the first week."

If this trend continues, Bing may soon start receiving a lot more attention from advertisers.

Bing's already got the attention of a fair number of normal people, though.  Nicholas Carlsonreports, "As of Monday, 25% of US adults over 18 have heard of Bing, according to the YouGov BrandIndex.  That's up from 7.9% on June 8."

And since Google's brand recognition registers around the 55 percent mark, that potentially puts Bing just a month or two away from catching up.

Source: Web Pro News


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