Descubre todos los secretos del mundo de las start-ups, business angels, venture capitals de la mano del parque de innovación La Salle Technova Barcelona.

30 Septiembre 2015 | Publicado por Team Technova

Esta tarde nos vamos con Startup Grind Barcelona

Startup Grind Barcelona Hosts Ferran Martínez (Lánzame)

Esta tarde a las 18.30h tienes una cita.

Startup Grind Barcelona con Ferran Martínez (Lánzame).


Fferran martinezxerran Martinez has been one of the best Spanish basketball players of all time, joining FC Barcelona, Joventut Badalona and Panathinaikos Athens. International with the Spanish National Team, played for the Olympic Team 156 times, Ferran has all possible national and international titles in Europe.

Later on, Ferran Martinez took the step to business success. With a degree in financial analysis and equity markets by CEF (Centro de Estudios Financieros) and an Executive MBA in Sport Management from La Salle (Ramón Llull University) and Saint Mary's College of California, he began his business career creating an athlete representation company called Global Sports Advisors, and the consultancy Leaders factory.

Ferran Martinez has alternated business with basketball sports apparitions on TVE, and also writing in the newspapers "La Vanguardia”, “El Mundo Deportivo” and “Expansion". As an advisor, he gives loans elite athletes and artists, and has collaborated with the Swiss Bank UBS, and founded the Sport & Entertainment unit in Banc Sabadell (2007-2011).

Entrepreneur and investor, he is currently a Partner and Chairman of the Pledge Fund Lánzame Capital, which co-invests in start-ups and participates 12 companies up until now. Ferran is also General Manager of Andbank Sports & New Business, which advises and manages assets of elite athletes and celebrities, as well as identifying and co-investing in companies with high growth potential, Tech and Fin-Tech based. He is also a member of the Company SBWords and Board Member of FC Barcelona Basketball, and Member of Board of Bibc Advisoring (Barcelona International Business Club) and member of the prestigious institution SEBAP (Barcelonesa Economic Society Friends).


Agenda 6:30 Community hour
7:30 Fireside Chat
8:30 Networking & food
Startup Grind Barcelona
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (CEST)



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