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16 Agosto 2010 | Publicado por Team Technova

Lafarge Invention Awards 2010

Are you a researcher, entrepreneur, inventor, academic or member of a research team? Do you have a project involving a new product, industrial process, construction method or service, based on an invention less than 5 years old and which contributes to sustainable construction?

Lafarge is launching the Lafarge Invention Awards 2010 to reward and accompany the most inventive projects in Europe related to building materials: aggregates, cement, concrete, gypsum.

The Awards

  • A prize of €20 000 for each of the 3 winners.
  • Each prize winner will benefit from Lafarge support to set up an action plan to develop his/her project.

Key dates

  • Submission of projects: from June 15 to October 15, 2010
  • Evaluation of projects and selection of 10 finalists by jury: November 2010
  • Oral presentation by finalists and selection of 3 winners: January 2011

More information at


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