Descubre todos los secretos del mundo de las start-ups, business angels, venture capitals de la mano del parque de innovación La Salle Technova Barcelona.

21 Junio 2010 | Publicado por Team Technova

SIME Barcelona conference at the Dia del Emprendedor

SIME Barcelona

SIME Barcelona was truly a refreshing conference during the Dia del Emprendedor! Its summery yet sophisticated decoration gave a touch of freshness. It started with a few videos showing the history and development of digital technologies presented by Ola Ahlvarsson, serial entrepreneur, investor and World Kick Boxing champion. Impressed by the amount of catchy information in the videos and Ola´s laid back presentation attitude, the attendees enjoyed interviews about marketing, serial entrepreneurship, hacking and intrapreneurship.  The assistance of Ace of Base was definitely surprising ending to the conference!

During the conference, we got introduced to one of the founders of the biggest videogames company, EVE Online and another similar online virtual strategic game, ERepublik, one of the top 25 European start ups, both which taught us of the success of creating interactive communities online. Also, we learned about the new tendencies in performance based marketing from experts such as Heiko Rauch, founder of Zanox. To differ on the entrepreneurial online possibilities, we met Claudia Gonzales, marketing director of the Global Fund and how she turned marketing for such an NGO into an online success. We learned on how hacking can be a source of innovation and met Liam Norberg, Swedish actor and former bank robber!

The multiculturalism and diverse backgrounds of the panel proved the extent to which entrepreneurship is really a global economic engine. SIME was an international fresh, dynamic, approach to presenting and encouraging entrepreneurship, especially among those who are passionate about innovating online. Don´t miss it next time it is scheduled!

To find out more about SIME´s speakers, their stories and companies click on this link:


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