Descubre todos los secretos del mundo de las start-ups, business angels, venture capitals de la mano del parque de innovación La Salle Technova Barcelona.

12 Enero 2016 | Publicado por Team Technova

Startup Grind Barcelona con Jordi Miró,


NOTE: This event is going to be conducted in English. A good knowledge of Spanish and/or Catalan is advised to make the most out of the event. Also, happy 2016 everyone!

Jordi is now working as CTO at (acquired by Rakuten Group). Joined the company when it was about 10 people and has lead the Engineering team since then (120 employees beginning 2015, 50 on Engineering) Helped to grow the business, technology and operations, and during the acquisition by Rakuten in summer 2012.

Several years in IT Consulting, focusing in banking and telecom. Started working in PwC Consulting (later acquired by IBM BCS), moved to DMR Consulting (actually Everis) and later to Venezuela and USA. Jordi was the co-founder of Mixsic LLC, a web technology company that built (a content delivery network in Latin America) and Feedtrace, a real-time recommendation engine for digital content that was sold to Real Time Media in 2011. He joined in April 2011.

Experience in developing businesses, leading teams in different project's phases, building architectures and businesses solutions, managing client's relationships, finding capital... Serial Internet Entrepreneur.

Angel Investing and Start Up Advisor.

Specialties: New media, Internet strategies, IT Consulting, business development, project management, Social Media, web 2.0, Entrepreneurship

This event is on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (CET).

Mobile World Centre
Carrer de Fontanella 2
08002 Barcelona



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