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06 Marzo 2015 | Publicado por Team Technova

Startup Grind Barcelona Hosts David Tomàs (Cyberclick)

David Tomàs, Cyberclick


General Director at Cyberclick. Cyberclick is a group of companies specialized in advertising and online marketing, based in Barcelona, Madrid and Bogotá (Colombia), awarded in December 2013 as the Best Workplaces in Spain.

David has more than 15 years of experience in the online business. David is an engineer, and took an Entrepreneurship program at the MIT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

In 2012 David was named as one of the 20 most influential under 40 years old entrepreneurs in Spain by the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2012 of IESE.

With Cyberclick he's developer a vast number of online advertisement campaigns: web ads, email marketing, mobile marketing, etc. Moreover, David is also a member of the Adigital board (Asociación Española de Economía Digital) and the Entrepreneurs Organization board.

David actively participates in Founders Institute and SeedRocket, a leading initiative in Spain for entrepreneurs with digital projects. At SeedRocket, he has mentored Deporvillage, Habitissimo, Captio and Social & Loyal, among others. He's also a lecturer at multiple marketing-centered events and is a teacher at EADA and ICEMD.

AGENDA 6:30 Networking & Community hour
7:30 Fireside Chat
8:30 Networking & food


Thursday, March 12, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (CET)

Barcelona, Spain



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