Descubre todos los secretos del mundo de las start-ups, business angels, venture capitals de la mano del parque de innovación La Salle Technova Barcelona.

13 Octubre 2015 | Publicado por Team Technova

Startup Grind Barcelona Hosts Ignasi Costas (Rousaud Costas Duran)

Ignasi Costas, Rousaud Costas Duran

No te pierdas el próximo Startup Grind el 28 de Octubre a las 18:30 en el MWC.


Ignasi CostasIgnasi is a founding member of the law firm and leads the Innovation and Entrepreneurship department, which includes the practice of entrepreneurial initiative, Venture Capital and the internationalization of companies.

Ignasi counts on a long and profound experience in advising entrepreneurs and investors in the process of negotiations and strategic alliances. He has also collaborated with various public research centers and in the creation of knowledge-based companies (spin-offs).

He is a member of the Board of Directors of several technology-based companies and the author of different academic articles related to his areas of practice and knowledge. He also regularly speaks at a wide-range of Spanish universities.


6:30 - Community hour

7:30 - Fireside Chat

8:30 - Networking + food



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