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20 Mayo 2010 | Publicado por Team Technova

Technova´s Business Ideas Contest training is finished

The training sessions for our Business Ideas Contest for the 10 finalist ideas ended yesterday with the last course on Marketing low cost.

During two weeks, the 10 finalists attended 5 interactive courses on Business Presentation skills, Financing my business, Finance for BeginnersProduct Roadmap and Marketing Low Cost.

In addition to BeOne sponsoring our initiative, Xerox has joined as another co-sponsor of our Business Ideas Contest who will provide a laser color printer for the 1st prize winner of our contest!

our new sponsor

Sharing some pictures from the classes:

teaching Product Roadmap

teaching financing my business

teaching Finance for Beginners

The next step is chosing the 3 finalists for the final 3 prizes by the 9th of July! Good Luck to our finalists!


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