¿Cómo es el día a día de un participante en el Master in Business Administration? Descubre la experiencia MBA de La Salle e impulsa tu carrera profesional.

29 Abril 2010 | Publicado por Equipo Editorial MBA

Cinco preguntas para tu modelo de negocio

http://sloanreview.mit.edu/the-magazine/articles/2010/spring/51302/a-bus... Al final del artículo se exponen cinco elementos a los que cualquier modelo de negocio debería responder de forma quantitativa. Os las detallo a continuación:

  • Modelo de ingresos.
Your revenue model: Who will buy? How often? How soon? At what
acquisition cost? How much money will you receive each time a customer
buys? How often will they send you another check?
Your gross margin model: How much of your revenue will be left after you
have paid the direct costs of what you have sold?
Your operating model: Other than the cost of the goods or services you
have sold, what else must you spend money on to keep the lights on?
Your working capital model: How early can you encourage your customers to
pay? Do you have to tie up money in lots of inventory waiting for
customers to buy? Can you pay your suppliers later, after the customer
has paid?
Your investment model: How much cash must you spend up front before
enough customers give you enough business to cover your costs?