News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

18 September 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Come to La Salle University DemoWeek at October 25 and 26, and know what university life will be like

La Salle University Demo Week is a conference held on October 25 and 26 to bring the university world closer through a set of free workshops and talks so that students (high school, vocational training and 4th ESO) Schools and teachers can know the reality of University Studies, and thus have tools that help them choose their university future.

The workshops will be developed by the following areas: Architecture, Engineering, Animation & VFX and Business Management, and will allow young people to have a clear idea of how they can be formed with La Salle throughout their university life.

The attendees will be able to know these areas through a set of workshops that can choose: exponential technologies, to know how the technology can help solve some of the most important economic challenges; claymation, stop motion animation with clay; the mad robots marathon, building with a LEGO Mindstorms robot without wheels and then making a competition; how video games are produced, giving a general overview of multimedia technologies that intervene; Space radio communications, learning the techniques that are currently used in this field.

He lives an architectural experience with the author, knowing some of the modernist buildings in Barcelona; App Inventor to introduce participants to the world of programming for mobile devices; ScratchRoom, designing and developing a virtual Room Escape with Scratch visual programming language; Ethical hackers, which allows the student, through practical scenarios in the laboratory, to see first-hand some of the techniques used by hackers, as well as the security mechanisms to prevent their attacks; and Design Thinking for education, teaching five steps so that students think differently thanks to this methodology.

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