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19 September 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Registration for the BGW Game Jam is OPEN!

From October 5 to 8, 2017 Barcelona Games World (BGW) returns, the most important videojuegos fair in Spain organized jointly by the Spanish Video Games Association (AEVI) and Fira de Barcelona. One of the most important innovations is the organization, along with La Salle-URL as technological sponsor, of the first BGW GAME JAM, a team competition for university students that will consist of the development of a video game. Entries for the tournament, which will be held on 6 and 7 October and will host a maximum of 25 teams formed by four members, has started today at and will be open until next October 2.

The 100 participants must develop, in less than 30 hours, a video game. As an added difficulty, the theme will not be revealed until the beginning of the competition.

The composition of the teams will also be surprising, and the contestants will be distributed by the organization in groups as diverse and balanced as possible according to their profiles: programmers, graphic artists, etc.

After the 30-hour tournament, teams will have two minutes to present their prototype to a jury of five members: three representatives of Barcelona Games World's exhibiting brands, a specialized journalist and a representative of public administrations.

The five judges will be in charge of choosing the winners. In total 5 prizes will be awarded: Best Game, Most Original, Best Artistic Concept, Technological Innovation Award and Special Prize. Do you dare to participate?


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