CDP Enterprises

Today in this section we’ll discuss about the three companies we have been assigned. Oracle, Brocade and Checkpoint.We’ll start with the most important / known company, Oracle.
Oracle offer a large range of proposals going from systems that provide the maximum performance for each level of the architecture of CPD (the traditional model) to a proposed solutions optimized for different Oracle software products. It is the only manufacturer with intellectual property on all levels of the cloud stack and consequently, it allows you to optimize each piece and make improvements far beyond the simple evolution of one layer.
On the other hand, we have Checkpoint, the worldwide leader in securing the Internet. It offers a variety of solutions where its main feature is the security. In private clouds we can find:
- Security for Virtualized and SDN Environments: In these environments, security must be built into the architecture.
- Virtualization for Check Point Security Gateways: Powerful for resource optimization. By consolidating multiple security gateway instances into a single solution
Also they provide security for your cloud, if you are using, azure, amazon services...
Finally, there is Brocade where energy and operational efficiency are core attributes of its data center. In fact, the data center has helped Brocade qualify its new campus as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold-certified facility.
In the last years the have consolidate five data centers and labs into one modern facility and decreased the physical footprint requirement by 30 percent.