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24 June 2015 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Final case resolution

Final resolution

In this post we will explain how it was the design process of our data center. Starting with given initial requirements which mark the main lines of this case study and having any knowledge on topic, case study have been approached to do the best possible design and to learn the maximum of knowledge about data centers.

Every week we was focusing on a specific topic, searching information, learning on topic and looking for how we can design and form that specific part of data center according to initial requirements. Likewise, we had reporting all of these new knowledge and learnings in this blog.

When the whole parts of data center design are completed, we integrated all designs checking its compatibility and having a logic sense. Furthermore, we also checked the compliance of all initial requirements asked at the beginning, because the criticism of bank data center, it was necessary to assure comply fully.

Finally we completed this case study, as you can see during these weeks in all posts posted in this blog detailing it.
