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01 March 2016 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Data center architectures

Hi there!

Last Tuesday Albert Teixidó, Marketing Manager and Business Development at Dimension Data, gave us a talk about the evolution and changes of new data centers. So, basing on what Albert told us, we’re going to focus on different data centers architectures we can find and their advantages and disadvantages.

As we said in previous posts, a data center is the brain of a company so, to provide the best quality and security of the data, most of the IT investment must go to this field. As you can imagine the inversion the company has to do by buying servers and storage is quite high so a solution to this problem might be the concept of the cloud.

The cloud

You might have heard about this concept but do you know exactly what it is?

The cloud has a close relation with virtualization, which allows to use multiple applications on the same device thanks to hypervisors. With the cloud is possible to manage all available resources real time on virtualized platforms.


Companies have to decide wether to use public or private clouds as their architecture of the data center.

But which is the difference between them?

In a public cloud all clients put up in the same physical machine their virtual servers, sharing memory and processing resources. It’s important to say that security must be guaranteed by the service provider and not by the client.

On the contrary, in a private cloud the company manage their own servers and storage, only paying a fee for installation and maintenance to the service provider.

Although most of the companies chose to use a hybrid solution so the company can have their own private cloud and pay for a public cloud when the resources are needed.

 Traditional Data Center

gpx2To have an idea of what a traditional data center might look we give you a screenshot of the presentation Albert did.

A traditional data center is a combination of physical devices and networking. An advantage of this is that according on what you need you might scale the network adding new devices.

Traditional vs the cloud

Finally with this image we can see a comparison between a traditional data center and the cloud.

Hope you like the information provided and see you on next posts!!
