News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

16 January 2015 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Teachers from Salle visit ESAN University in Peru to promote the professional development of students

This January, seven professors from La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL travelled to ESAN’s campus in Lima (Peru), to teach courses in Project Management, IT and Supply Chain Management in the framework of the three international double degree Masters developed by the Postgraduate School of La Salle with ESAN University . The combination of different methodologies allows students enrolled in these international programs to undergo a process of student-centered learning in order to promote the development of their careers in a global environment. For this reason, students receive face-to-face courses in Lima, but taught remotely via videoconference from La Salle. Finally, they complement their educational experience with an international stage at our campus in Barcelona.


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