News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

13 March 2015 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Agreement between La Salle and HP

La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL and HP signed an agreement to start up a Center for Innovation in SDN networks (Software-defined networks) in order to facilitate the training of future professionals in this technology. The event counted with the presence of Jordi Puigneró, General Director of Telecommunications and Information Society of the Generalitat de Catalunya; Josep Marti Fernández Santos, General Director of La Salle-URL; José María de la Torre, Vice President and General Manager of HP Enterprise Group Iberia; César Vallecillo, Director of HP Networking Iberia and Guiomar Corral, Academic Director of Engineering at La Salle-URL. La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL becomes the first Catalan university offering training in this area. As José María de la Torre, from HP commented "the growth of SDN technology in the coming years will be 90% per year, which will further increase the employability of professionals." The academic goal is to introduce a subject in the last course of the Degree of Telematics Engineering as well as to enhance their final projects. During this academic year 2014-15, the subject is being incorporated gradually, as a pilot, and is expected to be fully instituted next year 2015-16 providing added value to the educational offer. On its side, HP will be responsible for the training of teachers who are in charge of the Center for Innovation in SDN Networks and will award 3,000 euros to the best application created by students of the University. You can access the Flickr gallery to display images of the event.


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