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06 October 2015 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle-URL participates in the exhibition + HUMAN of CCCB

The CCCB opens the exhibition "+ HUMAN: The future of our species," which can be visited from 6 October 2015 to 10 April 2016. The exhibition is about the future of our species taking into account emerging technologies and cultural and ethical context in which we live. The exhibition emphasizes the limits of being a human being, as the limits of the body, our species, or what is socially and ethically acceptable. During the exhibition a series of workshops is performed, on which La Salle-URL participates. The first one, "Generate voice through supercomputing," a workshop to be held on 12 November, focuses on how to generate sounds through technology as our vocal organs would do. Oriol Guasch, Senior Lecturer at the Department of La Salle-URL and Francesc Alías, head of the Engineering Department and coordinator of the Research Group on Media Technologies at La Salle-URL, will explain how from MRIs vocal tract, and solving the required equations, it is possible to generate a lot of sounds as our vocal organs would really do. The second workshop where La Salle-URL participates will be on 26th of November and will focus on "Robots and children in the therapeutic field." Two projects will be presented: the robot PLEO, from the Department of Robotics of La Salle Engineering Dept., whose objective is a “robot pet” that alleviates anxiety and stress in hospitalized children, and a program based on design, implementation and evaluation of a program of social skills addressed to children with ASD, focusing on activities carried out with robots, a project of the UPC and the Hospital of St. Joan de Déu. Finally, on 11 February 2016 there will be "Bits and Atoms: A formalized relationship." A meeting based on a dialogue between David Miralles, professor of Interaction and Virtual Reality at La Salle Campus Barcelona and member of Media Technology Group at the university, Marc Expósito, Multimedia engineer at La Salle Campus Barcelona and member of Seamless Interaction Group, and Pol Pascual, cofounder of The Curious Link, who will display some technologies that they have developed to illustrate how we can establish points of contact between the digital world (in bits ) and the tangible world (the atoms).


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