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14 October 2015 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle-URL creates an acceleration program for ICT sector start-ups, from the business idea

La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL, through La Salle Technova Innovation Park and in collaboration with the Commerce Chamber of Barcelona, launches a . The goa lis to reach the business idea in 10 weeks. The pre-acceleration program is aimed at people with an entrepreneurial spirit and has 8 places. During the 10 weeks, participants will have 2 hour training sessions and personalized follow up meetings to define their business model and it’s viability in the market. The goal is for them to become aware of what it means to be an entrepreneur, minimizing risks and increasing the possibilities for success. The programme also includes training in specific areas such as Big Data, Internet of Things, Smart Cities or Mobile, weekly follow up by specialized partners and mentors and Networking with agents of the ecosystem (investors, accelerators, entrepreneurs and business managers). The teams of each start up will be able to stay in La Salle Technova offices during 10 weeks with access to all services, organized activities and career services.


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