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14 October 2015 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

A student of La Salle-URL creates MusicList, a website that allows listening to music legally and for free

Jordi Pallarés, student of Computer Engineering of La Salle-URL, of 22 years of age, created a website,, which allows listening to music legally and for free from any computer or device. Unlike big companies like Spotify or Deezer, it doesn’t include publicity and allows listening to music with no interruptions, and also see vídeos via Youtube, with more than 15 million reproductions. Another one of the most important new aspects of the website is that via a Computer program based on algorithms it predicts what songs that are still unknown in Spain but are know in the USA will also have succés in our country, putting it ahead of Hit lists and the hits to come. MusicList has been nominated as best website of 2015 in the communication media section side by side with Antena3, Mediaset, RTVE, Telecinco, Cope, Cuatro or La Sexta. The company was created in 2014 and presently has more than 470.000 users and an average of 13.000 daily visitors, the highest in Spain right now. The company is already in negotiations with record companies in order to include all their songs in the website, meaning a greater impact and presence on the net.
