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16 November 2015 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle-URL celebrates its 50th anniversary with a retrospective exhibition on Telecommunications

La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL presents the 50 years commemorative exhibition of La Salle’s Telecommunications studies, which will open its doors on November 18th. The exhibition offers a retrospective view of the evolution of Telecommunications through a selection of instruments that over the years have been used professionally in the sector. These devices are divided into six lines of study: Electronic Instrumentation; Sound & Vision; Computers; Radio, Telephone and Mobile; Data Transmission and Internet, and Data Storage. Within the exhibition, the devices will be distributed by category in order to be seen organized in the six different groups on the sides of the room. In the centre there will be a place to see old documents, such as publications and notes of the School, and it will be possible to take a virtual tour in 3D of La Salle Campus Salle-URL present campus. The exhibition will have 110 pieces and provides the opportunity to see from the first Z80 computers produced and used in the school through to projects developed by students and teachers. The variety of devices enables to trace back the history of Telecommunications through the most representative ones of each era. The Doctor of Computer Science and Information, Paul V. Mockapetris who, by request of La Salle, will be awarded with an honorary doctorate by URL that morning, will lead the opening of the exhibition. The exhibition will be open in the Aula Magna of the Campus (C/Lluçanés 43) until the 30th of June. The visits will have to be arranged in advance through the following mail
