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15 January 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

The e-yachay project ready for 2016

e-yachay was born from the social action project for International Cooperation Urubamba in 2015. The project works with the aim of creating inclusive socio-educational environments in rural communities of the Incas Sacred Valley with digital technology. The word yachay means learning in Quechua. The project aims to introduce new technologies in schools in rural areas of Upper Peru, who are especially deprived of resources. The aim is to promote student familiarization with new technologies and raise their motivation to learn with them. In fact, the learning of students in primary and secondary education in this isolated environment is slow and difficult, that is why e-yachay aims to achieve socialization with digital tools. On the one hand, the project provides mobile devices that students use to photograph each other and their environment in order to experiment. Later, the transfer of files to a computer where they discover what they have done and interact with photo slideshows complements the activity. In addition, they have installed an educational software that strengthens their learning of basic maths and English language while they acquire basic digital skills. In July 2015, a pilot project in the rural community of Pampallacta was conducted, and the results were very satisfactory. They took pictures of animals and plants typical of the region representing a high value of the Inca culture. In the following video you can see where these rural communities are located and the difficulty of access some students have even to reach the schools. Undoubtedly, this factor is one of the main reasons for the project and what encourages them to continue to spread to as many communities as possible. To do this, we have the active participation of La Salle Urubamba high school, a public school that tries to support part of the education of rural communities in the Sacred Valley, at between 2800 and 4000 meters. Precisely for this reason, the maximum collaborators possible are needed, to make any kind of contribution, both at material (laptops, smartphones, etc.) and economic levels. You can see the video of the project by clicking here.


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