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18 March 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

New Multimedia & Video Games contest for a scholarship in the Degree of La Salle-URL

La Salle-URL has launched the Multimedia & Video Contest. Registration is open from March 9th coinciding with the celebration of Saló de l'Ensenyament (the main education fair in Barcelona) and participants can send the material until June 20th, 2016. The contest will award the best video game design work that will receive a 30% discount for the enrollment in the Degree in Multimedia Engineering of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL for the course 2016-2017. Participants must present a document from the template provided, conceptualizing a video game design. The best work will be selected by the jury considering the following criteria: originality, game design, world design, audio design and user interface. The jury is chaired by Emiliano Labrador, Director of the Master in Multimedia Creation (MCM) and professor of Gamedesign in the Bachelor Degree in Multimedia Engineering of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL. The jury will also be composed by professionals of the video game industry. You can find more information on the contest rules in our website.


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