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18 April 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

The research group Media Technologies La Salle-URL is taking part in Sónar+D with new projects from last year on the relationship between technology and emotions

The research group Media Technologies La Salle Campus Barcelona - URL is presenting Empathic Interactions at Sonar + D. This project, developed within the area Seamless Interaction, displays the relationship between persons and objects through technology. The aim is to show from different points of view how technology is able to walk along with us and to arise emotions. We find 3 projects working on this area. Marcos, life spark, is a digital entity halfway of augmented reality, which can interact with real connected objects by activating its functions with passive objects or even persons. You may watch a video of the project on this link. Glimpsee, an extension of human perception, is a system which is able to increase certain skills owned by humans. It acts as an extension of the visual perceptual skills of the user, it is able to see and process everything in its field of view, though not being aware of it. So it may support the user with tasks that require a high level of attention or memory. You may watch a video of the project on this link. And finally, Beat as One, which is one of the first forays of the research group in the field of Media Art in the Col.lectiu CP Snow. What role do emotions play in our relationship with everyday objects? In this piece, the roles are reversed: objects (chairs in this case) have a history and a personality they would like to share, but the collaboration of the visitor is required to make it appear. Only through a proper approach, the chairs will come to life and present their story through an emotional set of lights, projections and dreams. The seated visitor will be part of the work on behalf of an act of empathy. You may watch a video of the project on this link. Sonar + D is an international conference that brings together a set of activities under a common theme: the relationship between creativity and technology and the consequent digital transformation of the cultural industries. This university research group led by David Miralles includes students from different degrees, masters and PhD programs at La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL: Alejandra García-Corretjer, Miranda Marquez, Flower Salatino, Ian Magarzo, Eduard Tejero and own David Miralles .


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