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18 April 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

A student from La Salle-URL publishes an article in the journal "Communication & Pedagogy"

Oriol Reina, Graduate in Multimedia Engineering from La Salle, published an article in the special issue "Virtual Reality and Education" of the magazine Communication & Education N. 287-288 together with Professor Isidro Navarro from the Architecture Department. The article entitled "Virtual Reality and internal localization of content for smart glasses. Case studies in the UNESCO heritage "describes how they have implemented mobile technology in buildings such as the Casa Batlló in Barcelona, the Alhambra in Granada and the nomination proposal for La Seu Vella of Lleida during the academic year 2015. The main objective of the project is to promote the availability of content to visitors through the use of Virtual Reality to know in depth the world heritage architecture. This is possible from your mobile device or smart glasses depending on the exact position you are located at inside the building. Recently, thank you to the company NOMON, collaborator for the implementation in the Seu Vella of Lleida, the project has received recognition for innovation by the Department of Tourism of Lleida.


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