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11 October 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

The Drawit project finalist for the Innovation by Design Awards 2016

The prestigious competition Innovation by Design Awards organized by the Fast Company selected from more than 1700 projects those proposing innovative and disruptive to current business problems. One of the finalists in the category for students is Drawit, by Marc Expósito and Professor David Miralles, developed in the research Group in Media Technologies La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL within the area Seamless Interaction.

With Drawit, starting from a blank sheet in a tablet, the user is able to draw the objects which wants to interact with, and adapt them to his needs. For example, you can draw a lamp and a switch and move the action to the real world, ie with pictures of objects you can operate them in reality. Drawit aims to create a seamless interaction and has the will to transcend the screen to reinterpret the relationship between objects and people in order to achieve a more human and direct through visual language, leaving aside the usual interfaces and interaction functionalities.

Drawit, a Drawable User Interface from Marc Exposito on Vimeo.

Drawit has positioned itself among the finalists in an edition with more participants and categories than ever, and has earned a place in the next edition of the company magazine. The emphasis will be placed in the features and benefits of Drawit, giving an impact internationally. Drawit was also awarded in May in the 3rd edition of the international competition "Dream it. Code it. Win it" by the MIT Enterprise Forum of New York.

In addition, two former students of La Salle-URL, Judith Amores from Multimedia and Xavier Benavides from Electronic Engineering, along with other members of his teamwho are currently at MIT in Boston have also achieved a position of finalists in the same category with the project PsychicVR. His work allows to control the virtual environment through the power of concentration. That translates into a telekinetic, levitating or X-ray for the user, which through its concentration can interact with the virtual world that surrounds him and interact with him breaking the barriers of reality experience. With this project, the alumni will also see their work published in the magazine Fast Company and share experience with Drawit and the other finalists.



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