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25 October 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle-URL presents a study on "The ten fashion brands in Spain with the most impact on Facebook"

On Tuesday, the Social Media & Fashion studio in Spain analyzed the fashion brands with the most impact on Facebook, at the level of branding and strategy in the network, as part of the La Salle Breakfast Lecture Series. as a prognosis of its evolution. This is a study carried out in the Master in Social Media Branding & Digital Strategy of La Salle-URL, directed by Dr. Gemma Vallet and Lluís Cona, professor of the same Master. The brands analyzed are Bershka, Desigual, Mango, Massimo Dutti, Oyscho, Pull & Bear, Shana, Springfield, Stradivarius and Zara in the period of March and April 2016.

Gemma Vallet has started the presentation with an introduction to the current situation of the sector in Spain, which is one of the great textile powers at the international level, thanks mainly to the drive of Inditex, the largest fashion chain in the world with a turnover of 20.9 billion euros and a net profit of 2.02 billion in 2015. Vallet stressed that "we came from 2015 in which fashion companies had very good results, with a growth of 5%, especially for luxury fashion brands, and in contrast in 2016 has been down 2%, partly influenced by the weather and people are waiting for discounts before buying. " Looking ahead to 2017 forecasts are somewhat better. In the roundtable presentation have also participated experts from the media industry, influencers and eCommerce startups to give their vision and experience in this regard. Ramón Barbero, co-founder of Brava Fabrics, which has forecast to invoice close to one million euros through its eCommerce and its innovative way of distributing its shirts; Clara de Nadal Trias, Head of Style in the fashion brand Pimkie and headhunter, as well as fashion journalist; and Alexandra Serret, Content Manager specializing in fashion and trends, co-founder of Wild Juliet. At the branding level, according to the ranking of the country's 100 most valuable brands in the world in 2017, prepared by the consultancy Brand Finance, Zara continues to be the leader and has increased its brand value by 43%. Mango and Desigual lead the climb of positions of the Spanish fashion, passing the first of the position from 45º to 33º and especially Desigual, who is now 20º. Zara continues to be the company with more audience in Facebook globally, dominating prominently with 24 million fans. In the next group, with 9-10 million fans, followed by Mango and Bershka, followed by Desigual and Pull & Bear with 4-6 million. To the tail, is Springfield that does not reach a million fans. But the study analyzes these data only in the Spanish market, and in this case, Zara remains leader (850k) but with much lower distances and Desigual with virtually the same data (844k) in the first position. Another fact to note is that Stradivarius moves from the 6th position worldwide, to be 3rd in Spain, with a more compact and competitive market.


In this regard, Ramon Barbero, co-founder of Brava Fabrics, commented that "Facebook has become a traffic generator, and in contrast, it is very difficult to get engagement, and thus Facebook fans have less value than two years ago for the brands ". According to Barbero, at the level of engagement is Instagram the network that is taking the lead. Alexandra Serret has explained that despite this operation, all fashion brands have their Facebook page, it is imperative. What do these brands do on Facebook? Pull & Bear is the most active brand with more than 2 posts a day, with an average of 1, with Zara far below and sometimes 1 publication per week. In 20% of the cases, the posts are segmented, which allows reaching the target audience much more directly - in the case of Oysho in 97% of publications and Shana none. Shana is a different case since it does not segment the posts but it changes, it is the brand that promotes more posts (68%), followed by Mango with 53%, and with Massimo Dutti without practically promoting its contents. Barbero has added to this point of the promoted ads that are inefficient as a sales tool, but if for sale on the web, which in their case account for 80% of sales, and they are directed more to Marketing actions to generate brand awareness. The engagement is the comments, reactions and share of the audience on Facebook. All attendees have agreed that years ago was a priority for brands and now have to use other techniques such as remarketing, as it is very difficult to get engagement showing product and instead accounts for 71% of the content of the post. Shana, by far, is the brand with more engagement but with most of its sponsored post-this type of content gets four times more engagement, followed by the loyal public of Desigual who shares the publications organically and then follows Stradivarius with a similar strategy.


By content, as we have advanced the product is the leader with 71% of publications, and the rest, have increased to 16% promotional post (discounts, contests, etc.), while content off not related to the brand alone represents 7% compared to 20% of the previous report. Pull & Bear is an example of this content since in the previous report 80% of its publications were off and has corrected its strategy betting more by the product.

In conclusion, there is a clear bet in general for the most commercial content, both products and promotions. And what will be a trend in 2017? Visual content is the most used, 80% are photographs and, along with the increase in Instagram that has become the network with more number of daily accesses (8 million users in Spain and 400 on a global level), makes intuit that you will have to be very attentive to its evolution. In addition, in the coming years, or even months, we must be very attentive to other networks, such as the strong commitment of Whatsapp by the direct messaging that can be a new model of social network, and in Facebook Live, according to Lluis Cona you have to follow a lot of wax and think about how brands can use it to communicate. The study of presence and visibility of fashion brands in Spain in social networks began within the first edition of the Master in Social Media Branding & Digital Strategy, pioneer in Spain and Europe on social networks and branding, mentioned by two consecutive times as one of the best programs in its specialty in Europe for the Eduniversal ranking.

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