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18 April 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Open Day for Masters and Postgraduate Studies on April 28th

La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL has organized an Open Day of Masters and Postgraduate Studies on Saturday, April, 28th, to present real cases and solve doubts related to decisions concerning career development. Inscriptions are open for the workshops, conferences and round tables based on real experiences and success stories that will have place in the Barcelona campus. Under the motto #hazquetuvidacambie (make your life change), leading companies and professionals who work in changing technological and global environments will be present. The event will begin with a welcome by Josep M. Santos, Director General of La Salle-URL. Then Gemma Vallet, Director of the Brand Community Management Postgraduate program & Social Media Branding and Digital Strategy Master will give a talk on how to gain visibility on Linkedin and achieve your career goals. After this it will be possible to choose the conference, workshop or roundtable of interest from different areas: conference by the Manager of the Telecommunications Engineering professionals association  "Telcommunications: the sectors reality in 2020"; workshop on High Performance Web Programming "Rediscover programming. Code Smells, refactorings, and fine things "; round Table "Interaction and transmedia" with Geenapp, Newskid and l'Institut Català d'Empreses Culturals; workshop "How to be a PM and not die trying" with professor Jordi Molla; a roundtable "Opportunities and Threats for businesses in the era of digital transformation" with managers and professionals in the digital sector and MBA program coordinators, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Mobile Business and E - Commerce; Conference and Roundtable "SAP: Hana, the future is here" with the Director of Education SAP Spain and coordinators of SAP programs and in Architecture, a conference "I want to sell my project. Where do I begin?" to learn the necessary skills to move in the sector. You have all the information of the day and registration here .


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