News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

17 May 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

A project of students of the School of Architecture La Salle, selected in the FAD awards

FAD has announced the finalists for the FAD Architecture and Interior Design Awards 2016 and again projects from the School of Architecture at La Salle URL are represented. Specifically, the project   Impluvium, of the students Albert Cabrera, Albert Chavarria and Sara Tamayo designed to represent the school at the Llum BCN Festival 2015 , has been selected in FAD Ephemeral Interventions 2016. With the collaboration of the Consell de Garanties Estatutàries de Catalunya , Impluvium, is a system designed to channel and collect the rainwater that could be seen at the Palau de Centelles representing water drops from 2,000 light cells distributed among the joints of the palace’s yard's pavement. It is not the first time that La Salle-URL is selected in the FAD awards. In the previous edition, the RESET project of Josep Ferrando + Eugeni Bach + Jaume Font + Students + URBANUS was also one of the selected within the category Ephemeral Structures.  RE.SET was a city architectural project city within the commemoration of Tricentenari and stood in the Plaça Nova of Barcelona, next to the Cathedral.
