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05 April 2016 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Even more about virtualization

What’s up GG’s?

Today I will talk you MORE about virtualization! Hey stay here it’s not a scary word! I admit it could be, but the concept is very simple, just read the article!

Almost everyone has a computer nowadays, and everyone has a hard disk. When you want to create a partition of your hard disk, you are dividing it in two part. But you’re not physically dividing it. You’re creating two virtual hard disk thanks to only one physical hard disk. This is virtualization!

What about the virtualization of server? Well it’s very simple too. There is a software, named “Hypervisor” that will be added on the physical server (for VMware, his name is VMware ESXiTM)

The Hypervisor will allow the physical server to execute several copies of one or multiple operating system at the same time, and will give the copies resources to be able to operate.

You should think about virtualization, because it will allow you to keep a lot of money. Indeed, you will be saving up this money by reducing your consumption in electricity and in air conditioner, because you have only one physical server with hypervisor, and not multiple servers.

Virtualization will allow you to save your data after a disaster, because everything is virtualized, you can change the machine where your virtual machines are working and everything is awesome.

Of course there are others justification of virtualization, but I will not list each of them!

I mentioned to you this router for example which is a virtual one:!tab=features


And you can go to the previous article were we are talking about “Network configuration advanced” thanks to this link


That's it for today people, don't forget to stay tuned and take care of yourself!


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