La Salle-URL hosts the No cON Name Congress on Information Security
The following 11th and 12th of December La Salle-URL will host the No cON Name (NCN), the oldest congress on Computer Security and Hacking in Spain. This event brings together new promises in the sector, experts and professionals in the field of computer science in general, computer networks, programming or software engineering protection. No cON Name is a non-profit association founded in 1999 in response to the need to gather hackers in Spain and was the first hacker conference held publicly in Spain. The conference comes at a time when the security of computers and information have become a major concern for all organizations and individuals. During the Congress workshops and hackathons, lectures on computer security and workshops on topical issues will have place, many of them proposed by the participants themselves. Workshops are hands-on sessions in which attendees go with their laptop and other items trying to reproduce the explanation. The objective of the Association is to promote mechanisms of computer security; organize, manage and carry out events for the dissemination and promotion of information security; support the organization of user groups wishing to carry out events that the organization considers are related to its objectives; promote the use and advancement of mechanisms in computer security by the young and promote security through digital media, written and audio-visual publications and/or conferences in media unrelated to those of the association.