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13 June 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Pablo Pantaleoni: "Health Care industry will have a very significant growth in 3-5 years"

On Thursday May 26 Pablo Pantaleoni, entrepreneur and founder of Medtep, gave a lecture in La Salle-URL, entitled "Opportunities and challenges in health technologies", where he explained the work done from his startup and how the business idea came while pursuing a Master in Creating Internet Business in La Salle-URL. Earlier this year, Pablo Pantaleoni entered the Forbes magazine list 30 under 30  where 30 personalities from under 30 years are collected to be followed in different social spheres.

Pantaleoni explained that they created the company in 2011 and began with a traditional model of organic, positive but very modest growth, and was in late 2014 that changed their mind and moved the company to the US to continue to grow. The company currently has offices in Barcelona, San Francisco and Mexico and employs more than 30 people.

During the conference, Pantaleoni noted that the pharmaceutical industry is moving from company to company product services, which opens up many possibilities for startups. In addition, important changes in the health sector, especially in digital health which is very different in the American and European markets. Pantaleoni predicted that "in 3-5 years Health Care sector will have very significant growth".

Medtep is a technology startup, created by Pantaleoni with Jacob Suñol, which takes validated medical and clinical protocols and convert them to personalized health plans easily understandable and implementable by patients.This allows users to perform a more efficient treatment and improve their quality of life. According Pantaleoni, it is "the optimization of resources in treating patients."

Another of the highlights was the important role of Big Data, which can help customize the treatment of patients based on their standard of living, improving decision-making. Pantaleoni said that "we help patients have a better quality of life, and that's what drives us forward" and stressed that what is important is the result of the application and run the tool, not the number of users or the profits of the company.

Finally, Pablo Pantaleoni also recalled his role as an entrepreneur and gave some advice in this regard: "Come out to the street, explain your idea, meet people, do not give false expectations and be transparent".



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