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17 October 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle-URL participates in a succesful first edition of the Barcelona World Games

La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL has participated in the first edition of the Barcelona World Games, which has closed its doors with more than 120,000 visitors.

The showroom, organized by the Spanish Association of Video Games (AEVI) and Fira de Barcelona, has achieved its goal of becoming a benchmark in Spain. The number of participants has exceeded expectations, which set an attendance of 100,000 people, 70 titles exposed and over 1,000 games available to try on premises.

BGW The Barcelona World Games showroom at Montjuïc venue


The showroom has had various areas, an exhibition area where videogame brands have announced their upcoming releases; an Arena space with live competitions with some of the top professional players; a leisure outdoors to enjoy street food, relaxation and break time proposals related to manga culture, DJs and musical performances; exclusive activities for professionals, conferences and workshops.

The stand of La Salle-URL was informing all interested audience in pursuing careers related multimedia world, videogames and animation, as well as organizing a conference on how to create your first videogame. Alun Thomas, professor at the Multimedia Engineering Degree of La Salle and expert in videogames was responsible for delivering the speech "Zombies! How to learn to make your first videogame" that managed to captivate listeners with all guidelines to turn ideas into a real game.

In addition, visitors were able to learn some of the most recognized characters in the world of videogames as the voice of Super Mario, Tekken's creator or the director of Final Fantasy, as well as having the opportunity to attend more than 30 conferences intended for lovers of multimedia world.



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