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16 November 2016 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

OWASP X Spain Chapter Meeting congress on cybersecurity in La Salle-URL 

La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL will host the OWASP tenth congress on cybersecurity  on 17 November. The lectures, which will begin at 9 am and will be held in the Auditorium Hall of the Building Sant Josep, will be presented by Jaume Abella Fuentes, coordinator of the Master in Cybersecurity La Salle-URL and Vicente Aguilera Diaz, President of OWASP and Partner and Director of the Audit Internet Security Auditors department.

The central part of the conference will be to provide an overview on security in cyberspace. To do this, it will feature industry speakers that will provide strategies and lines of defense to sharpen security in web development. The best tools and processes for rapid development and secure applications will be displayed, to avoid potential data leaks.

La Salle and OWASP, once again, made available to all attendees a 50% Scholarship Talent in any of the master programs MCS (Master in Cybersecurity), MDPA (Master in App Design and Programming) and MBD (Master in Big Data).

If you want to join the event, click here.


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