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13 January 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Technova participates in the training program 'Food&IoT' for sustainable distribution sector

The program, which will begin in January 2017, aims to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in food industry with the introduction of the Internet of Things. It is adressed to entrepreneurs who want to create a digital company in this sector, and to existing companies of any size who want to create or form teams with expertise in the fields of food distribution, technology and methodologies to develop innovation projects. The Catalan food industry is characterized for being a broad sector level, source of great business opportunities for both entrepreneurs and established companies. Among these opportunities highlights sustainability processes linked to distribution and use of technology as strategies to gain competitive advantages to generate business. The Food&IoT training program is launched to give answers to these challenges. Driven by Viladecans City Council, La Salle Technova Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Mercabarna, Food&Iot is funded 100% by the program Catalunya Emprèn of Generalitat de Catalunya, and it is free for all students who attend it. The course incorporates the development of a project throughout the program with the aim that participants acquire skills and knowledge needed to launch business projects, new business lines or changes in the processes of a company. The project will be tutored at local and international levels and with the possibility of presenting an investment forum at the end of the course. La Salle Technova Barcelona will present the program to the students of La Salle-URL interested in being able to participate on Monday December 12 at 12pm. The event will be attended by ModPow, located in Technova, which will explain its success story in this area. Registration is open here.  
