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23 May 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Very positive evaluation of the students of Technological Business Management who have participated in the project of the UN

Our undergraduate students in technology management are very positive about their participation in the UN National Model United Nations (NMUN) project in New York. The project involves different universities representing a country from any part of the world. The students have defended the country that has touched on issues related to the environment, economy, human rights, among others. Iñaki Morton, one of the participating students, explains the experience during the week in which he was in New York which has been hard and at the same time very rewarding.

The students have had to work very hard to defend the position of Angola. With this experiment, it has been possible to see, on the one hand, how the different countries have had to work as a team with each other, and on the other hand, it has been possible to show the great difficulty of reaching common agreements. However, it has been a great opportunity for students to come together to achieve the desired Sustainable Development Goals.

It has been difficult for students not only to investigate the economy, political views and culture of a country, but also to feel their values, their beliefs and really defend their position. It has been tough as they have had to compete with students from top universities around the world. They have been many hours of work debating issues surrounding health, the environment, among others.

During the conference, all the students of ADE de La Salle-URL were able to meet with nations powerful enough to document a document that allowed them to incorporate opinions and suggestions to solve all those problems of the Republic of Angola.

Students have learned things from the academic but above all social point of view.

Finally, the whole working document was debated step by step by one of the main sponsors of Angola and, it was approved! Congratulations to Iñaki Morton, Alvar Vila, Cerni Besoli, Berta Montilla, Eduard Aguilera, Raymond Castello, Anna Ramón, Dario Pineda and Marina Alegret for all the effort dedicated to this project.


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