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24 May 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

La Salle Breakfast: "To create value we have to make decisions"

In the 78th edition of La Salle Breakfast has been debated how the data, that fuel of the new economy and the engine for new value propositions, help companies. Who better to answer this question than the companies themselves using this data. LSBreakfast has had the collaboration of Xavier Vilasís,Phd in Physical Sciences and Director of the Master in Data Science of La Salle-URL, which has been the moderator of the conference. The three companies that have participated are: Zurich, with Marta Tolos, Director of Big Data in the global department of Enterprise Data Analytics and Architecture; Applications in Advanced Computer Science (AiA), with Carlos López Ullod, Director of Big Data; And finally, Take U (Cooking Data) with Ivan Cubiles, CEO and Co-Founder. Xavier Vilasís has introduced the debate emphasizing that "to create value we have to make decisions, and for that we have to ask the right questions" and that is where the data come into play.

Vilasís has wondered where we are in the world of data ?, the participants have been responding during the round table. With its points of view, it has been possible to perceive in a real way the strengths and needs associated with the use of data as a source of value. Marta Tolos explained the Zurich case and what this insurance company offers its clients. They basically focus on calculating risk well through Big Data's analysis to provide good insurance to their customers. He has insisted on the change that is currently occurring with the eruption of Data Science.

Before responding to some very specific business questions based on specific data, today we have a platform where these data are and from this generate some questions that give answers, explained the expert in Big Data. That's why the way they work is based on being close to Data Science. He emphasizes that although each company has different characteristics, everything converges to the same point: the business. _ER_5099Carlos López has focused his speech on his experience in AiA. They are a company that has been in the market for about 30 years. They are defined by being a very theologian staff.

They make Big Data with traditional companies, and as a result answer traditional questions. "Science begins when something brings knowledge so that the data is better," says the director of Big Data in AiA, who points out that "to do Data Science you have to know where the data come from to make the performance better." Also, the same method and data applied by Data Science makes the model much better in terms of performance. He explains that the fundamental thing to make something impact is to merge the technological and analytical part with the part of the business, and we are in a moment in which it is necessary to take a last step, "to do a different business to the traditional one based on the data". Take U CEO and Co-Founder Ivan Cubiles reveals that thanks to Big Data we can include information on search recommendations and help you understand the information.

His company has created the application Cooking Data which is a Big Data but focused for the sector of the restoration. He insists that the quantitative and qualitative mentality must go hand in hand. In Take U have created a platform of Business Intelligence where they have invented a personal assistant capable of interpreting the data in a semantic field.

The basic differentiating elements of this company are: on the one hand, its integration of internal and external data, on the other hand, have a data-based notification system and with automatic learning, finally, the UX is designed for non-experts in Data, that is, affordable and understandable for all types of people. Xavier Vilasís reminds participants of the insides we generate regarding people, questions them to what extent they can be used. For the company Zurich combining data sources is one of the great challenges they have. As an insurer it is very difficult to know the client well.

According to Marta Tolos, it is an issue that concerns them because each country they deal with has its regulation and this provoked that it is complicated for them. Carlos López Ullod believes that if the services that are given are useful to the citizen then it will be easier to give their data without any problems. So from your point of view, technology is not always the solution. Finally in Take U, Ivan Cubiles clarifies that they choose to focus more on attributes of value to get such insides.


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