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04 May 2019 | Posted by albert.jt

Apple will build solar farm for its North Carolina data center

Everyone knows that Apple completed this year a huge data center or data center in North Carolina, a building that little is known because the company has not wanted to offer much information about it. However one thing is clear, a data center of this type is ideal for the huge storage needs that iCloud and iTunes Store need. Think, for example, of all those millions of users who are pouring backups and photographs to these servers every day.


Everyone knows that Apple completed this year a huge data center or data center in North Carolina, a building that little is known because the company has not wanted to offer much information about it. However one thing is clear, a data center of this type is ideal for the huge storage needs that iCloud and iTunes Store need. Think, for example, of all those millions of users who are pouring backups and photographs to these servers every day. And a place like that requires a huge source of energy, something that environmentalists have criticized on several occasions. We mentioned it a while ago, on average about 100 MW is consumed in a center of this type, the equivalent to the electricity consumption of 80,000 American homes or 250,000 European, that is, what consumes a medium-sized city. Each company then tries to solve this problem through ingenious proposals, for example without going any further Google is investigating the possibility that the waves will serve to generate power for their datacenters. Apple, for the time being, plans to build a solar farm, a large plot near the North Carolina data center in order to compensate for its excessive consumption of electricity. With this in mind, since August of this year they obtained some necessary permits from the City Council of Catawba County and have begun with the tasks of erosion control and cleaning the area this same month of October. The plot has a total of 170 acres (about 680,000 square meters) after the separate purchase of three adjacent land and now we just have to wait to see how the different parts of the construction are executed, the exact location is marked in the image above. Anyway, I think this is very important news because it is a response to these environmental requirements while improving the functioning of a center that will have to bear a huge burden in the coming years.


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