Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

24 February 2015 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Data Center Producers Solutions

There are a lot of data centers developed by differents companies, but today I will explain the solutions of my three assigned manufacturers: IBM, Arista and Paloalto.


IBM is an important American multinational company that works with computer hardware, software and offers infrastructures and hosting services, but here I will focus on their servers. IBM have a large number of different server types to implement virtualization, they have servers for small companies, for large entrerprises and for compute-intensive workplaces.

Here you can find all the options and solutions of the servers that IBM offers.

Arista Networks is a computer networking company that design solutions for large data center and cloud computing. Their solution is based on these features:

  • Scalable: can grow up without difficulty.
  • Low Latency: to have a good performance.
  • Open APIs: is compatible with a large number of services.
  • Programmable Management: to have a extensible and costumizable network.
  • Resilient: recovers very fast when faults occurs.

Here you can find more information about the cloud networking solution of Arista.paloalto-networks

Paloalto Networks is an American network security company. Their solution focuses on virtualized next-generation firewalls that protects the applications traversing the cloud and block the movement of the threads.

Here you can find all the features of the solution of Paloalto.


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