Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

21 February 2015 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Welcome to Next Generation Engineers Blog


This is the blog of the “Next Generation Engineers” group from the “Gestió i Planificació de Xarxes” subject.

The purpose of this blog is to explain the state of art of 3th generation Data Processing Center.

Data Center Technologies

Thereby, in this blog we will explain periodically:

  • Solutions about 3G Data Centers
  • Different solutions to implement it
  • The state of art of hardware and software technologies
  • The market state
  • Which corporations are the most important in its sector and which ones are rising
  • Success stories and business models
  • News about it and the results of the lastest investigations

During these months we will develop a case study on designing a 3G Data Center. To implement we have to use the solutions offered by the following manufacturers:

Stays tuned on new posts, and see you soon!



Trobo molt interesant el vostre treball. Som una empresa especialitzada en serveis de gestió i infraestructura Cloud i ens agradaria veure si hi han possibilitats de col·laboració Universitat-Empresa amb vosaltres


Xavi Tobella

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