Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

16 February 2016 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

CAPMUN Solutions comes stomping!

Hey folks! How you doing?

Let us present: we are CAPMUN Solutions, a pair of students making some research in the data centers field.

We are looking forward to offer the best varied data center solutions to our readers. For that, we are going to elaborate a guide that will help anyone understand how a Data Center is build, and by which components it is composed. Two posts per week will be written about a specific topic, in order to explain our followers basic Data Center functionalities. Our solutions will be focused in two of the most important enterprises of the market: DELL and JUNIPER. The guide will be divided into 3 main areas: LAN, servers and security. At the end of the guide, a comparison between the solution we propose and Cisco solution will be shown.

Hope you enjoy our guide, as we will dedicate so much efforts in keeping it up and fresh!




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